When I was younger, there was a sort of stigma attached to my stamina. My dad took me swimming one day and I just was no good at it, so my dad said, 'Your stamina's bad.'
I would like to be as fit as I've always been. I've been blessed with good health, I've been blessed with stamina. Particularly for those great classical roles, you need an Olympian stamina. I, fortunately, have that.
Chess as a sport requires a lot of mental stamina, and this is what that makes it different from a physical sport. Chess players have a unique ability of taking in a lot of information and remembering relevant bits. So, memory and mental stamina are ...
It was actually drumming that gave me the stamina to get into sports later. I started playing drums at 13, and when I got to the international touring level... I got interested in cross-country skiing, long-distance swimming, bicycling... things that...
Your intelligence enhances your ability to think and recollect, dream and set realistic goals. Your stamina is built on your passion for progress and willingness to excel... When you have a great stamina, you can make great impact even with a low int...
I have good stamina and good endurance.
I don't have stamina in exercise... but I have it in life.
I got the stamina. I can close.
You lose the speed before the stamina.
I have a lot of stamina and I have a lot of resilience.
Building businesses takes tremendous stamina, and success isn't achieved without it.
Whatever I lack in talent I have in stamina.
To make personal movies that you are the author of, is quite a difficult thing. It takes a lot of stamina.
Believe me, my children have more stamina than a power station.
Stamina is the force that drives the drumming; it's not really a sprint.
Commercialism isn't challenging creatively; it's only challenging in a stamina way.
Peter Jackson's instincts are extraordinary, as is his stamina.
I was into sports and dancing. I ran track. I have a lot of stamina.
In writing, as in medicine, there are no short cuts. You need stamina.
I've got a lot of stamina and I enjoy people, so having lots of people around doesn't freak me out.
You know, I can't imagine 9 to 5 writing. That takes some stamina.