If I didn't play tennis I don't know where I'd be.
I put myself through college playing pool.
It's an honour and a thrill and a privilege just to play in the NHL.
If you play more than two chords, you're showing off.
The day we stop playing will be the day we stop learning.
I'm just a normal young lad who plays football.
There are men running governments who shouldn't be allowed to play with matches.
I'm not known for my intellectual range and tricks have been played on me.
When a role seems fun it's easy to play. It kind of comes organically.
I've played a lot of characters who are creeps or weirdos, with a deep darkness underneath the surface.
You try to get the most out of the talent. Make 'em work and let 'em play.
I grew up in a fun-loving environment - you work hard and play hard.
They have equal weight and you do the same work you'd do if you were playing a dramatic role.
I work hard, and I tend to play hard. I very seldom rest hard.
I play purely from the heart, y'know, and so if it doesn't work the first couple of hours, forget it.
I want to show up to work and take risks. I don't ever want to play it safe.
Everything is about balance. You can't work, work, work, work without any play.
Me and my band and crew have always lived by the code: 'Work hard, play harder.'
I really want to play interesting roles, but you want to work, so it's a balancing game.
I have said to my agents, 'I want to work. I want to play character roles.'
Every patient is a consumer, and every consumer is a potential patient. What NantWorks is doing is building the world the way Da Vinci saw it, and augmenting every frame a human being sees as they work, live and play.