I'm a Gibson guy. I play anything from Hummingbirds to J200s.
Plays have been made of my comics.
work hard. play hard. be kind.
'Ghosts' is the most incredible play I've read for years.
To me acting originally became an extension of game playing.
I've played many characters that have consumed me and owned me.
Women have a role to play in global development.
You can't play it safe if you want to get ahead.
I play a lot of football, watch a lot of football, and think about football.
Well, who better to play Nazis than we Jews?
Playing for someone else's crowd is always difficult for any band.
The dumber you are on court, the better you're going to play.
The future will be bright, if you play it right!
I play DEA, CIA, FBI, LAPD; I got 'em all.
We're playing at our level of ability.
Inevitably, every part an actor plays contains some of himself.
I would look a little silly playing Casanova now.
I've always wanted to play more comic parts.
Players are ready to play, We're not on strike. It's a lockout.
Play is the creation of value that is not necessary.
I enjoy playing people that are totally different than me.