You take care of you and your family first. Then you go to your neighborhood, and then you spread it on out within the community.
Tiny quails may not seem as impressive as a mammoth turkey, but there is something refreshing about a spread of individual birds on the Christmas table.
Only those who spread treachery, fire, and death out of hatred for the prosperity of others are undeserving of pity.
Dependency is death to initiative, to risk-taking and opportunity. It's time to stop the spread of government dependency and fight it like the poison it is.
It will be impossible for us to eradicate HIV as long as any corner of the world is cut off from the education and services that we know helps stop the spread of this disease.
I want to do good, and I want people to be happy, and sometimes when you're a people pleaser, you spread yourself too thin.
Throughout its history, the international Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity, friendship, peace and universal understanding.
People start talking about you and spreading false information, and it can really affect your spirit. So faith is very important to me.
I'm only 26 - I don't know anything about life yet. Life is like a puzzle and my pieces are spread all over the world.
People need to spread love towards strangers. We all bleed the same blood and we are all part of a global community now.
If you open your heart, then the object of your love becomes so precious because you are so open. And that philosophy, that caring, spreads.
The world is always counting on us to spread peace and unity wherever we go.
Let your imagination spread, until you are satisfied, like I am.
Like a rose, life is charming and beautiful. By spreading fragrance, we make it meaningful.
Never make negative comments or spread rumors about anyone. It depreciates their reputation and yours.
I think it's a Blondie tradition that all of our albums sort of have a wide spread of styles.
Spread your smiles like the sunshine to cheer the world with love and joy.
If every one of us spreads the message of love, compassion, kindness and forgiveness, peace will be there.
There's an entire universe in every single tweet, and it all really depends on the content as far as how it's going to spread.
Esso has been the main one in America spreading the disinformation that there is no global warming problem.
A second characteristic of our time is the prevalence of nationalism. This is still spreading, affecting new communities, more peripheral regions and so-called backward peoples.