I've always been a guy who wants to play sports, not watch them.
I don't think the sport is any more dangerous than it's ever been.
Every sport needs its temple, its cathedral.
I'm an athlete, so I'm very interested in making the sport as safe as possible - just for my own career longevity.
Success in management and success in sport are derived from the same basic principles.
Golf is the only sport where watching the game is arguably as grueling physically as playing it.
As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.
In love as in sport, the amateur status must be strictly maintained.
I love this sport and I don't want to get involved in politics.
I love various sports, including basketball, tennis and billiards.
I actually used to be a front for the largest national sports-betting syndicate in America.
In a proud fatherly sadomasicisticly way, I am thrilled when I get hit. As every deep purple bruise on my body represented a perfect swing. If I were to lift my shirt at any time there would be 4-5 bruises on my body. ... As soon as I was able to, I ...
Sure, there is an undeniable pleasure in rooting for a winning team and in being able to look down on opposing fans with equal measures of superiority and disdain. But that's also the Ruthian drawback in rooting for the Yankees (along with high ticke...
What more proof do you need to illustrate how America is the land of the free than the fact that the US has the highest incarceration rate in the world?
Steinbeck wrote about the tide pools and how profoundly they illustrate the interconnectedness of all things, folded together in an ever-expanding universe that's bound by the elastic string of time. He said that one should look from the tide pool to...
We hope that general readers with an interest in Japan will find in these accounts of fieldwork a wide spectrum of illustrations of the grassroots realities of everyday life in contemporary Japanese communities, companies, institutions, and social mo...
In England, there is a dividing line between artists and illustrators, who are thought inferior to painters. Well, that's absolute rubbish. Some of the most creative work is being done in children's books. In Japan, everything is art. They don't say ...
I was always interested in art at school, and after year twelve, senior year, I spent three years studying graphic design at college. I worked in advertising for two years but didn't like it much, then began doing a bit of illustration work for vario...
I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment.
This insistence on a degree of faith in the communicant is also illustrative of Wesley's belief in the necessity for the co-operation of an active faith in man with the gift of God's grace to make the sacrament effective, which is congruent with his ...
The ultimate story of success: When a nobody, who has never once in his entire life known the feeling of being remembered or respected, suddenly snaps and becomes a world dictator. On one hand it sounds just, but on the other, it illustrates the reas...