I always say, the time you spend with your dog makes the difference in a great dog or a crate dog.
The ReturnsIf you spend enough time with someone who doubts you, you can't help but believe them.
Now and at the Hour of Our Death... But if I spend [all] my time *reading* about adventures, I won't actually be *having* them.
Love in the AfternoonToraf nods in all seriousness. “Humans eat sand. That’s why they spend so much time on land”.
The StrangerThat's Doctor Smart-ass. I didn't spend eight years in insult college to be called Mister.
Turn CoatYou have to be willing to spend time making things for no known reason.
Picture This: The Near-sighted Monkey BookWhen you spend time in the presence of God, you will experience everlasting peace and joy.
Pearls of Wisdom: Great mindMost of us spend life in a trance. Only those who bridge the gap between reality and dreams succeed.
Rousing CadenceI spend all my time trying to capture the moment. And when I do, I'll interrogate and torture it.
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