I like movies that are specific. Movies that home in on a very specific subculture, a specific discipline, a specific world.
The thing about 'Gilmore Girls' is that it's such a specific voice, and I lived with it for so long before it got on the air It's a very specific rhythm and a very specific banter.
Love is like a corn-dog popsicle, and I’m on the Most Wanted list. Unfortunately it’s by the government, specifically the FDA, and not by women.
Comedy takes a very specific technique, specific skills.
If it is what it isn’t, it must be love. And I must be in it.
Love is, or you isn’t.
I’m crazy in love. I’m just crazy.
Love is like a trapdoor for the heart .
My advice would be to write what is most personal and specific to your experience or your life. And your voice will emerge and because of its specificity, it will be universal.
I don't know - the idea of a specific wine paired with a specific piece of music seems a little far-fetched to me. But maybe I just need to be opened to it.
One dog barks at something specific, and a hundred bark at the sound.
People are temporary, but love is eternal.
Love, it’s like catching barrels in a fish.
I’ve got a way with love. Away with love.
Love is, just like isn’t isn’t is.
All I need is your love. And money.
We know specific genes are turned on in specific cells, but we don't know to what extent this happens.
The 1970s was the decade of liberation, of anger at injustice and demands for recognition and rights. But over time, the demand for specific rights degraded into a generalized sense of entitlement, the demand for specific recognition into a generaliz...
Love is timeless, like a broken watch.
I cook. My favorite thing to make is love.
Love rules the world. Like a tyrant.