We all have common frailties but we need to treasure friends more.
Network operators need reasonable leeway to manage their networks.
Some people need sequins, others don't.
We need to make is to strengthen the position of the director of the CIA.
every person must be good, but every person need to be an evil
But, if there's any aspect of my career that needs attention, it's writing.
You don't need a weapon to protect yourself.
Never invest in anything that eats or needs painting.
When is a revival needed? When carelessness and unconcern keep the people asleep.
There needs to be an app that edits what I say versus what I want to say.
I don't feel like I need to tell any lies.
HOBBES: Virtue needs some cheaper thrills.
To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.
There's no such thing as a healthy tan, and that's what people need to understand.
We need foreign skills to stay competitive.
We must not be hampered by yesterday's myths in concentrating on today's needs.
All you have to do is play one note. But it needs to be the right note.
As a model you need to be able to do the craziest things.
We do not need torture as an available instrument of interrogation.
Sometimes you need to give dishes a nap.
We need people who will go, and stay until the end.