Why do I need money, when I have love?
For WordPress to be world class, it needs to have a sustainable model.
The new troops in Iraq need to be Iraqi troops.
Needs are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society.
We need but little learning to live happily.
The one who cries, is always the one who is in need.
You don't need superpowers to be someones hero
We also need a fund that can say 'no'.
We need people out talking about the President, explaining, agreeing with and praising his actions.
With an enemy like that, who needs friends?
I needed to stop being what everyone thought I was.
The NBA needs more of that 'it's-about-us-against-them' mentality.
They don't have the edge that I need. I'm not interested in reliving 1988.
A creation needs not only subjectivity, but also objectivity.
A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him.
I just needed to leave Hollywood.
If one bite fills you, you don't need two.
I'm 26 years old. I don't need to be playing 16 anymore.
Georgia does not need Russia as an enemy.
I need coffee to deal with this, and I’m not getting decaf. (From Offline)
Nothing so needs reforming as other people's habits.