We miss out on meeting so many interesting individuals in our lives because we judge people by what society says is acceptable. "He's not Handsome enough,She's not Beautiful enough." So we ignore them & pass them by. Not knowing we are missing out on...
The problem with ID, of course, is that it leaves open the possibility that the intelligence behind nature may have a moral interest in us, having communicated already with humanity in the past, and might try to boss you around in your private affair...
Of course, I have a different vested interest in the gay community, because I am gay, and I would certainly enjoy the tax advantages that straight people have, and the inheritance advantages, and things like Social Security, but I've always been a ci...
I don't know whether I have ideas all the time. I think I'm curious about things all the time; I think I'm always curious, and I think I'm always interested in whatever passes by, and I know I tend to think about things, and I tend to talk about thin...
When I was younger, I suppose I was interested in checking out as much about writing as I could: bad, weird, irritating, even things not-to-my-taste. Now I am less open. I will decide after a few pages if I want to stay in the world of the book, and ...
You couldn't get me to go travel around and sit in a hotel room again. I have no interest in doing that. So everybody's happy. I am, at 74. Some people like doing it, but I never was much for that, anyway. It's a lot of work. So the only thing I miss...
Harry: The ironic thing is that the school that kicked me out is honoring me soon. Shrink: Why did they kick you out? Harry: Because I wasn't interested in college. I wanted to be a writer and that's all I cared about. Also, I tried to give the Dean'...
Frederick: I'm not interested in what your interior decorator thinks, okay? Dusty: I can't commit to anything without consulting her first. That's what I have her for, okay? Frederick: This is degrading. You don't buy paintings to blend in with the s...
Iris: So, what are you doing in Las Vegas? Raymond: We're counting cards. Iris: You're counting cards? Raymond: We're counting cards. Iris: That's interesting. Raymond: We're counting cards. Iris: I know you're counting cards, what else are you doing...
Luke Skywalker: She's rich. Han Solo: [interested] Rich? Luke Skywalker: Rich, powerful. Listen, if you were to rescue her, the reward would be... Han Solo: What? Luke Skywalker: Well, more wealth than you can imagine! Han Solo: I don't know, I can i...
[after Jack "rescues" Rose from her suicide attempt, he holds Lovejoy back to scab some cigarettes] Lovejoy: You'll want to tie those. [He points at Jack's boots] Lovejoy: It's interesting. The young lady slipped so suddenly and you still had time to...
The notion that before you even set out to go to Thailand, you say, 'I'm not interested,' or you're unwilling to try things that people take so personally and are so proud of and so generous with, I don't understand that, and I think it's rude. You'r...
People love to talk but hate to listen. Listening is not merely not talking, though even that is beyond most of our powers; it means taking a vigorous, human interest in what is being told us. You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid audit...
Film directing has perfected my theater directing. I think when I first started directing, a lot of my stuff was very lateral; I was afraid to have the actors' backs turned away, afraid to put them too far upstage, and I think once I did more things ...
I never aspired to the local political fiefdom thing that a lot of people ascribed me to. I saw myself as a guy who learned from Jesse Jackson how to do national civil rights. I wasn't really interested in who was going to be the next district leader...
The brain is full of lonely ideas, begging you to make some sense of them, to recognize them as interesting. The lazy brain just files them away in old pigeonholes, like a bureaucrat who wants an easy life. The lively brain picks and chooses and crea...
But that’s the wonderful thing about foreign travel, suddenly you are five years old again. You can’t read anything, you have only the most basic sense of how things work, you can’t even reliably cross the street without endangering your life. ...
Attacking bad books is not only a waste of time but also bad for the character. If I find a book really bad, the only interest I can derive from writing about it has to come from myself, from such display of intelligence, wit and malice as I can cont...
Two people whose opinion I respect told me that the word "Christian" would turn people off. This certainly says something about the state of Christianity today. I wouldn't mind if to be a Christian were accepted as being the dangerous thing which it ...
Many such an official, upon winning a foothold in City Hall, thinks only of his own cohorts, and his own gain. So it is not surprising that public affairs grow stagnant. Truly, cannot fathom such minds! I can think of nothing so satisfying as doing p...
War is hell, but sometimes in the midst of that hell men do things that heaven itself must be proud of. A hand grenade is hurled into a group of men. One of the men throws himself on top of it, making his body a living shield. In the burst of wild fi...