Television is something the Russians invented to destroy American education.
I suggest that an education and reading and facts aren't bad things on which to ponder a few notions.
I would say that an understanding of man's intrinsic needs, and of the necessity to search for a climate in which those needs could be realized, is fundamental to the education of the designer.
I believe in local control of education.
Education is a kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes different points of view.
1950s education didn't agree with me. I was totally lost.
My education at Baron Byng High School was excellent, with dedicated masters (boys and girls were separate).
I was not an especially diligent student but nevertheless obtained a reasonable education in physics.
What have I got? No looks, no money, no education. Just talent.
Education prepares to be one piece of a machine.
Until we get equality in education, we won't have an equal society.
I wil not compare the education of an ancient Spartan with that of a British nobleman.
I was delighted to not go to university. I couldn't wait to be out of education.
Education is the most important thing you can have.
Marlon was so sensitive, you thought the poor guy just had a bad education.
No part of the education of a politician is more indispensable than the fighting of elections.
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.
If we had in this room a hundred teachers, good teachers from good schools, and asked them to define the word education, there would be very little general agreement.
America is becoming so educated that ignorance will be a novelty. I will belong to the select few.
Education is lacking in most of those who pontificate.
The most influential of all educational factors is the conversation in a child's home.