English usage is sometimes more than mere taste, judgment and education - sometimes it's sheer luck, like getting across the street.
How do you think we build a future? I think we build it by investing in our kids and investing in education.
I was born in Paris in 1950. I had a strict upper-class Catholic education but I never really fitted in the system and revolted against it quite early.
That's the value of a college education... I don't know anywhere in the world where you can make an investment and make that kind of return.
Education is the period during which you are being instructed by somebody you do not know, about something you do not want to know.
I really owe everything to my parents and their devotion and drive to see to it that their children had the education which led to the opportunities that they never were able to have.
President-elect Bush spoke in a forceful and candid manner that it is his passion that all children should have access to a first class education.
Liberals, conservatives, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and I find - I think education is something that can bring us together.
An arts education helps build academic skills and increase academic performance, while also providing alternative opportunities to reward the skills of children who learn differently.
In the state of Wisconsin it's mandated that teachers in the social sciences and hard sciences have to start giving environmental education by the first grade, through high school.
I believe education should be a right for every child, but tragically in many parts of world it is a privilege for certain children whose parents have money. There are 72 million children in the world who don't go to school and many of them are in Af...
John Edwards comes from working folk, just like me. John Edwards worked hard and excelled to get his education, just like me.
Venezuelans are tired of 14 years of promises and no results. The only things growing are inflation, murder and crime. The good indicators - production, education and jobs - are all falling.
The education, the cultural awareness, is different in Europe, especially in France, from that in the United States. So I think the public will be much more appreciative of many images.
As a proud Catholic, I know the impact that faith-based education can have in our society and have witnessed it first hand in my district.
Catholic schools in our Nation's education have been paramount in teaching the values that we as parents seek to instill in our children.
Excellent education and an excellent environment are two hallmarks of our state. How we treat our environment is connected to so many other opportunities in Maine.
More particularly, having a largely German-oriented education has made me very responsive to 19th-century German literature.
The education of my brother and myself was of paramount importance to my parents, and in addition to their strong encouragement, they were prepared to make any sacrifice to further our intellectual development.
Education has always produced an incredible amount of data; that's always been obvious to me. But technology had to catch up.
We all have a responsibility to volunteer somewhere and I'm lucky that I get the education and get taken to places to see what's out there and see what's happening and to then be a part of it in hopefully an impactful way.