So the laughs had to come from the character, not because we had balloons in our shirts or were speaking in high voices. That was very important to us.
My job isn't to preach to people, it's to entertain them. I like letting the characters speak for themselves.
Lastly, his tomb shall list and founder in the troughs of grass. And none shall speak his name.
'Dirt Road Diaries,' in my mind, is a perfect country guy song. It speaks to the hard-working guy, and I'm excited for the fans to hear that one.
long ago said, 'who dares not speak his free thought is a slave.' I nominated myself as an 'infidel' as a challenge to thought for those who are asleep.
I believed that English-speaking people had a divine mission to civilize the world by making it western, democratic and Christian.
The Gaelic language itself depends very much on ear and rhythm, and when those who are thinking in Gaelic speak in English, they get the same rhythm.
When someone speaks to an introvert, her brain responds with a high level of activity. It is as if several lights start flashing on a control panel.
Why only one song, one speech, one text at a time?" - "When Our Lips Speak Together
Our culture is getting better and better at encouraging women to speak, but it’s not doing enough to listen to what they say when they do.
The security of which we speak is to be attained by the development of international law through an international organization based on the principles of law and justice.
I can only speak as an American, but most journalism here isn't doing its job any more. It's about selling stuff.
The man who can speak acceptably is usually given credit for an ability out of all proportion to what he really possesses.
I recognize the power of silence in an extroverted world but there is a time for silence and a time to speak up about things that matter that continue to be left unsaid.
With any tween, you have issues, from what they are going to wear to school, to how do you get them to speak politely, to how regularly they lose their contact lenses.
I can't think of this country without Quebec. Je parle francais. And when I think about being a Canadian, speaking French is part of it.
Medically speaking, there is no such thing as a nervous breakdown. Which is very annoying to discover when you're right in the middle of one.
Sometimes I don't feel like an actor. Sometimes I speak about it like it was another job, and then I go, 'Wait a minute - I am one!'
People will speak slowly to me sometimes. And they always ask me if I'm all right, because I'm much more low-key and reserved than my character in 'Friends'.
When God speaks faith has to connect to His Word because if you allow only your feelings to connect no root can be formed.
Confidentially, the type of male I find most enjoyable for a friend is one who has enough fire and assurance to speak up for his convictions.