Sometimes when people can't speak English, they hum the melody instead of singing along. Having 20,000 people humming your song is incredible.
Personally, I don't go and seek contact with fans, but if they happen to find me somewhere I'll say hello and speak to them for a while.
On a Terrence Malick set, your thoughts are his voice. You think you're thinking, but actually he's thinking for you. He speaks to you, and he's the voice in your mind.
Too many jazz pianists limit themselves to a personal style, a trademark, so to speak. They confine themselves to one type of playing.
My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue [is] the pen of a ready writer.
There is no real need for decorations when throwing a barbecue party - let the summer garden, in all its vibrant and luscious splendour, speak for itself.
I'll have to have a room of my own. Nobody could sleep with Dick. He wakes up during the night, switches on the lights, speaks into his tape recorder.
I have no idea if some societies, anthropologically speaking, aren't really suited for democracy. I don't think that's true.
I probably should be a little more cautious with how I speak, and I think my delivery needs to be a little softer.
He who speaks evil only differs from his who does evil in that he lacks opportunity.
A universe with a creator would be a totally different kind of universe, scientifically speaking, than one without.
Well I've already made it clear that it's a matter for individuals in exercising their own judgement, their own consciences to speak freely on matters of policy.
If Hollywood stars speak out, so do all sorts of other people. Now Hollywood stars can get a better hearing.
Tears are the noble language of eyes, and when true love of words is destitute. The eye by tears speak, while the tongue is mute.
Facebook is blocked in mainland China, but is used heavily by the rest of the Chinese-speaking world, including Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Increasingly, corporate executives who don't speak Japanese are coming into Japan. Unlike their predecessors, they expect their employees to be able to communicate in English.
And this speaks to the larger problem that no one wants to talk about: the restoration of the Roman rite is a precondition for a long-term fix for the problem.
Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have , so to speak , pawned a part of their narcissism.
Whether it's because of how somebody looks or because of what they're wearing, you kind of assess a person in the first five minutes before they even speak.
Lou Reed is something like a personal favorite of mine, but you could always put me into that drawer of singers who can't really sing, who speak their songs.
My upbringing is so fundamentally different to my parents'. It must be strange to look at your child who not only speaks with a different accent but has a totally different view of the world.