When I was travelling in Rajasthan people were waving hands, and it felt like I was visiting my own constituency.
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding. There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour along the travel.
A difficult journey is spiritual rewarding. There is a more dependence on God, His supernatural power, grace and divine favour long the travel.
At religious instruction classes, I encountered The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan, and the sincerity of the traveller in that book was overwhelming.
I just refuse to date actors. I've done that, and I don't want to do that anymore. It's just the stress of traveling and being away from each other so much.
Water enters the dark sewer grates with no fear; it travels everywhere; it learns some things from everything and this is the secret of water’s wisdom!
I do a lot of cultural material that's based on my traveling around the world. I basically just report what I've seen and where I've been.
God always brings someone into your life that has traveled the same path and knows the rocks you climbed to get to the end of the trail.
The journey of the mind always has longer to travel than the heart because dreams carry weight, while love makes you float.
I haven't done as much proper travelling as I'd like to have done. However, I know how important the weather is for my mood and spirits.
Culture becomes visible when we travel between “ cultures ” and when we look back in time to other “ cultures ” than our own.
Even I, as sick as I am, I would never be you. Even I, sick and depraved, a traveler to the grave, I would never be you.
With all the traveling and promotion I've been doing for 'Murderball,' its been difficult keeping up with my rugby training.
Southeast Asia has a real grip on me. From the very first time I went there, it was a fulfillment of my childhood fantasies of the way travel should be.
Cooking is like fashion. Always, I like to try to change. If I'm traveling in a different country - to Australia, the Bahamas, Budapest, Moscow - and I see a new ingredient, I like to try it in a new dish.
You are traveling and see these people shooting the entire experience of going through a city, and maybe in the back of their minds they sustain the illusion that they will edit it all, but I don't think that's it.
Everyone in Denmark has at least two or three sailors in their family; sea travel is part of the DNA of our nation, and because of that, I'd always wanted to tell a story aboard a ship.
The traveler was active; he went strenuously in search of people, of adventure, of experience. The tourist is passive; he expects interesting things to happen to him. He goes 'sight-seeing.'
The time of year I love the weather the most here is the fall, and I've never really gotten to experience the mountains and Denver in the fall because I was always playing and traveling.
I've always enjoyed traveling and having experience with different cultures and different people. But it's also a wonderful thing to be able to benefit and enable research, not only in our country but around the world.
So it allows me to travel, I'll be doing that and running these great rivers and doing what I've done in the past without much purpose other than for the experience.