I tried not to laugh. I thought about how my Southern Baptist friends would respond to the suggestion that their entire denomination was making people gay.
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: I can make Amour and Psyche for you. Now. Giuseppe Baldini: And you think I'd just let you sop around in my laboratory? With essential oils that are worth are fortune? Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: Yes. Giuseppe Baldini: Pay att...
I grew up Southern Baptist, so my experience was fairly conservative. Not archly so, but I think Memphis - when you get to certain parts of Memphis - are more liberal for sure. But I grew up, until I was about 13 or 14, in a section called Whitehaven...
I grew up in a very small, close-knit, Southern Baptist family, where everything was off-limits. So I couldn't wait to get to college and have some fun. And I did for the first two years. And I regret a lot of it, because my grades were in terrible s...
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: That's a really good perfume. [he holds the bottle out to Baldini, who turns away] Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: Don't you want to smell it, Master? Giuseppe Baldini: I'm not in the mood to test it now. I have other things on my...
Wait, go back to that Southern Baptist part,” Julia said, interrupting, as she does. “Are you a born-again?” articulating her question as if she were asking me if I were really a headhunter or a Martian. “Yes,” I said, “but I'm not an ass...
I like health-conscious cooking, but growing up in the South, I do love southern cooking; southern France, southern Italy, southern Spain. I love southern cooking.
Andre Baptiste Sr.: Welcome to Democracy! Yuri Orlov: Democracy? What have you been drinking Andy? Andre Baptiste Sr.: Heh, you have not seen the news. You know, they accuse me of rigging elections. But after this - [holds up a newspaper with the hea...
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: You want to make this leather smell good, don't you? Giuseppe Baldini: Why of course, and so it shall. Jean-Baptiste Grenouille: With Amor and Psyche by Pelissier? Giuseppe Baldini: What ever gave you the absurd idea I would...
Barry the Baptist: [answering his phone] What? Dean: I thought you said there'd be no staff Barry! Barry the Baptist: Did you get those guns? Dean: You wanna see what they did to poor Gary? [calling out to a delirious Gary] Dean: Gary? Gary? Barry th...
I was baptized a Baptist, but I'm just Christian, as far as I'm concerned. I could go in any church, doesn't matter if it's Baptist, Protestant, Episcopal, or Catholic.
Andre Baptiste Jr.: Can you bring me the gun of Rambo? Yuri Orlov: Part One, Two, or Three? Andre Baptiste Jr.: I've only seen Part One.
The Baptist Church rejects man with wooden leg: It appears the Baptist preacher refused to baptize a veteran of the late war in the holy water- saying they only baptize flesh and blood, not wood.
Barry the Baptist: [Barry's video monitor is cutting out] Come on! Not now, please, not... [monitor goes black] Barry the Baptist: Oh, you fucking bastard.
For years, my mom dated a man who was really active in the Baptist church in the town next to the town I grew up in, and so he used to drag me to these Baptist church services that lasted forever. I remember that I didn't like the church services, bu...
There's something about Southern women that is so unique yet so universal. Strong southern women are allowed to be soft and feminine and have a sense of humor. But what I love about Southern women in particular is their universality.
They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.
Andre Baptiste Sr.: They say that I am the lord of war, but perhaps it is you. Yuri Orlov: I believe it's "warlord." Andre Baptiste Sr.: Thank you, but I prefer it my way.
Every Southerner, I think, knows people like Bill Clinton, maybe not quite as smart and maybe not quite as liberal, but kind of a glad-handing, country-club yuppie Southerner. The problem is we don't have labels for middle-class Southerners.
The Southern Oracle: [as Atreyu approaches the Glowing Blue Sphinx Statues that resemble the ones from the First Gate] Do not be afraid! We will not harm you! We have been waiting for you a long time, Atreyu! Atreyu: Are you the Southern Oracle? The ...
Southern California, they have been amazing. They're totally with us.