It was necessary to have an even depth of corn on the top compared to the sides, so the air would not take the easiest route and not evenly dry the stored corn.
The negative side to globalization is that it wipes out entire economic systems and in doing so wipes out the accompanying culture.
We do not want to be giving quality sides such as Southampton, Palace, Norwich and the rest eight or nine points start and expect to get back up with them.
If you can't laugh at yourself, then how can you laugh at anybody else? I think people see the human side of you when you do that.
If someone told me when I was 16 or 18 years old that I'd be doing a side project with Tony Iommi, I wouldn't have believed it.
There is a shy side to me that evaporates when I play on stage, and I like that. I think it's another facet of my character, and I need to do that.
So Jesus in the throes of his Passion is an image of hope: God is on the side of those who suffer.
While being the husband of uberstylist Rachel Zoe lets me waltz confidently into fashion shows with Rachel by my side, the VIP treatment usually stops there.
Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event. Roy Bennett
Maybe if people stopped thinking of themselves, and started thinking of the other sides of things, people wouldn't hurt each other.
I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear
A little more movement of the defensive side of the ball, some rules that will be unnoticed, but a big rule will be allowing the jack linebacker to move out of the box sideline to sideline.
To best influence someone's behavior, be a personal example. - Be the one who points out the bright side and serves compliments rather than complaints.
I had a solo career before Van Halen. My fan base filtered through Van Halen with me and came right on out the other side with me.
I'm going to find whoever is responsible for me sleeping out side with outside without pillows and kick them in the shins!-Enna
As the United States shapes and carries out its policies toward Muslim countries, it should do so with Turkey at its side.
Onstage, you can be anything you want to be. In concert, I might project a different side of myself, but I wouldn't do anything I'd be embarrassed of.
I think reconceptualizing Microsoft as a devices and services company is absolutely what our vision is all about. Office 365 and Azure on the services side are representative of it.
A dangerous and treacherous path is only worth it when the desire to have courage outweighs the driving need to get to the other side.
The early '20s were like the waist of an hourglass. Lots of things were hurtling toward it and squeezing through it and then hurtling out the other side.
If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?