We once did six tours of America in 15 months.
America faces a new race that has awakened.
America is addicted to wars of distraction.
I was nuts about Elvis, like every girl in America.
America is not a melting pot. It is a sizzling cauldron.
Every day in America is a day with a shooting.
An asylum for the sane would be empty in America.
America is a young country with an old mentality.
England was incredibly dull and everything exciting seemed to be in America.
America is my country and Paris is my hometown.
America rules the world - by force.
Liberia gave life, America gives me a DREAM.
The disconnect between America and its military is shocking.
American cooking is one of the unknown cuisines in America.
I was born in America, but I consider myself a Filipino.
Isn't allowing people a choice what America is all about?
Discussion in America means dissent.
I'll be too old to face a difficult championship as the one in America will surely be.
This is America, where everything is still possible.
The whole global warming thing is created to destroy America's free enterprise system and our economic stability.
There is a reason the world always looks to America.