Poor laborers from all parts of Asia as well as Africa, the Americas and even Europe are transported by plane each day to wealthier nations where low-tier jobs are plentiful; sometimes the travelers board without even knowing their final destination.
In committing an estimated 3,000 U.S. forces to join international Ebola relief efforts in West Africa, President Obama seems to be fulfilling the plans of highly influential progressive groups who seek to transform the American military into more of...
I want to build a machine that can drill wells for water. With this problem of water in many places in Africa, we need to find a solution for how you can dig wells so you can be pumping water from deeper places.
Many people have compared me to the Victorian adventure writer, Rider Haggard. I accept that as a compliment. As a boy growing up in Central Africa I read all Haggard's African novels.
What should we suppose must naturally be the consequence of our carrying on a slave trade with Africa? With a country, vast in its extent, not utterly barbarous, but civilized in a very small degree? Does any one suppose a slave trade would help thei...
If you come from Africa with your economic poverty and your cultural riches, and you meet someone like Peter Gabriel or a person from a big record company, and they tell you that what you are doing is marvelous, that makes you feel powerful.
Every day I get to 'Think' and work on everything from digitizing electric grids so they can accommodate renewable energy and enable mass adoption of electric cars, helping major cities reduce congestion and pollution, to developing new micro-finance...
The Pacific, greatest of oceans, has an area exceeding that of all dry land on the planet. Herman Melville called it "the tide-beating heart of earth." Covering more than a third of the planet's surface--as much as the Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic oc...
Grand Mage,” Ghastly said, as he put the map away, “did you know the sparrow flies south for the winter?” “What an odd thing to say,” Ravel said, and as he turned, he snapped his palm against the air and Paloma slammed into the wall.” …...
It stood calm against the suburban storm raging around it. The thunder screamed across the sky; it slapped the clouds into a heated turmoil that flew towards the south.
he had offered some of his own background. A youth in the South. An education in the North. Bred for life in the East. Trying not to die in the West.
The South has a way of worshipping appearances - the suburbs are all about presentation and amazing flowers and a beautiful yard and dinner parties that impress people and having the Christmas lights just right.
One of my groupies gave me a film that they made, and it ended up being amazing, so I got it shown at South by Southwest. If I can help get their stuff out there, then great.
There was another thing I had forgotten about the South: It was the one place on earth where an unsuspecting person could get killed by kindness.
I eat east and west, and I eat them at the same time. But I drink my coffee north to south.
I take account of my life and find that I have lived a lot and learned very little.
The narrator welcomes new students to his school by offering to tell them who the easy teachers are, or who the good ones are.
Queequeg was a native of Kokovoko, an island far away to the West and South. It is not down in any map; true places never are.
A wise parent humors the desire for independent action, so as to become the friend and advisor when his absolute rule shall cease.
He swallowed down the dry choking sobs which had been heaving up from his heart hitherto ...
She never called her son by any name but John; 'love' and 'dear', and such like terms, were reserved for Fanny.