Those things that nature denied to human sight, she revealed to the eyes of the soul.
Love is a portion of the soul itself, and it is of the same nature as the celestial breathing of the atmosphere of paradise.
The soul is a muscle, and it needs to be exercised a little every day. Say a morning prayer just to say something.
In a real dark night of the soul, it is always three o'clock in the morning, day after day.
Women and men in the crowd meet and mingle, Yet with itself every soul standeth single.
My dear friend Jimmie Dodd was the heart and the soul of The Mickey Mouse Club.
Do you know they found land mines in woman's souls.
The sun sees your body, the moon sees your soul.
You put your heart and soul into something and it makes you a little bit vulnerable.
When our actions are based on good intentions our soul has not regrets.
Let us awake numb souls.. To cry, to speak and to call.
The only one thing Can make a Soul Complete, and that thing is Love.
A sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body.
To delight the ear and the eye is a mere sensual indulgence;—true poetry strikes at the soul.
When was the last time someone ran their fingers through the knots of your soul?
[F]or what in this world is worth doing that doesn't require a portion of one's body and soul?
your soul is like a compass, tells you where to go, but not how to get there
There isn't a soul in this universe with the same gifts, strength, level of intelligence and as good as yourself!
Smart, Succulent, Simple, Steady, Soulful Self wins the race of life.
Our minds thirst for anything that reminds us of the deepest wisdom of the soul.
Captivating beauty motivates the souls of those who see it and appreciate it.