It is only what is written upon the soul of man that will survive the wreck of time.
Customer: Do you have Soul? Rob: That all depends.
Superstition is the only religion of which base souls are capable of.
The sad souls of those who lived without blame and without praise.
The very success of medicine in a material way may now threaten the soul of medicine.
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
Jeff Bebe: Doris is the soul of this band!
I think sexuality is a window into someone's soul.
Injustice is a scar in the surface of the earth and death to the victim soul.
I don't have best friends. I have soul sisters.
But the problem is to make the soul into a monster
Hurry always empties a soul.
A story is a part of the writer's soul. Told to the world.
a room without boooks like a body without soul
Life Without Love Like Body without Soul
The soul would have no rainbow, had the eyes no tears.
Reading nurtures the soul, and an enlightened friend brings it solace.
Distance is meaningless, as is time, when minds and souls intertwine.” -Gerome in CHANGELING-
The soul of sweet delight, can never be defiled.
Will you shed your tears for the souls of the nations?
All empty souls tend toward extreme opinions.