I believe in reincarnation of the soul.
It's better to have a rich soul than to be rich.
A puny body weakens the soul.
The jealousy and evilness are like worms, that destroy the soul.
Beauty is the virtue of the body as virtue is the beauty of the soul
Society destroys your individuality, your soul.
The feeble soul merely whines and complains.
Boredom is merely a symptom of an apathetic soul.
The soul has many motions, body one.
Identical twins do not possess identical souls.
Encouraging words are good medicine for the soul.
Awake your soul to happy memories.
The strongest soul have developed from life's difficulties.
There is beauty in the soul of every man.
I've given every maid I've portrayed soul and heart.
Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.
Every day is deeper and richer and more soulful.
Nowhere on earth has more soul than Detroit.
A lot of people think I live in a soul bubble.
For the bored souls, sometimes sea is the best answer!
Solitude terrifies the soul at twenty.