The authentic self is the soul made visible.
There is no person that love cannot heal; there is no soul that love cannot save.
The soul has no gender.
An old building is like a show. You smell the soul of a building. And the building tells you how to redo it.
Palestine is the anvil of our souls.
Gandalf saves the world and saves the soul of the world, really.
I've always been an old soul.
Skepticism is the sadism of embittered souls.
I prize the soul that slumbers in a quiet eye.
Words are truly the image of the soul.
Intuition is seeing with the soul.
There is no beauty equal to the beauty of your soul.
Peace does exist. It exists in your heart and soul.
To live happily is an inward power of the soul.
I never had a spirit-breaking, soul-destroying religion drummed into me.
When I'm in a relationship, I give my heart and soul to it and do it 100 percent.
A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ.
Variety is the soul of pleasure.
Art speaks to the soul, not the mind.
It is only to the individual that a soul is given.
Sin is whatever obscures the soul.