That was wonderful,” Natasha lied. “Not half; you are brilliant. Can I fuck you up the arse later?
2012 Olympic SabotageLater she came to realise that under one reality there’s always another. And another one under that.
The Rabbit Back Literature SocietyCourtship is the time for sowing those seeds which grow up ten years later into domestic hatred.
The Screwtape LettersDon’t be an asshole. Just because you have one, it doesn’t mean it’s okay to act like it.
Marry Now, Sorry LaterTime. Either you are for it or against it. So be here now. Not later.
The Legacy Letters: His Wife, His Children, His Final GiftI fell in love with a raincoat. Well, at first. Then later I fell in love with the woman wearing it.
Love quotes for the ages. And the ageless sages.The ordeals of others . . . prepare us, and later become the compass . . . in our time of ordeal.
For the (Soon) Unemployed: You Against Them