My son is a hip-hop producer.
I grew up a plumber's son in Philadelphia.
Las ideologías son prisiones mentales que producen ceguera.
My son is my routine and priority, period!
I wouldn't believe there was something 'wrong' with my son.
My son gave me the permission to accept my success.
My son is very into music and really familiar with my voice.
I am truly my mother's son.
Qui cache son fou, meurt sans voix
My son thinks I'm hilarious, but he's only 1.
Rich men's sons are seldom rich men's fathers.
You see, I was the son of a baptist minister.
Vida simple y tranquila mente, son amigos muy cercanos.
Everyone is a son or daughter of god.
Every convert is a son or daughter of God.
There's no political point worth my son's life.
Father son oily ghost amen.
I don't know, maybe my sons will be gay.
My daughter has a vivid imagination, and so does my son.
My sons have such a deep access to my heart.
I have amply provided for my son during my lifetime.