Passion can sometimes bring out qualities in a person that they never knew they possessed.
A Little Too FarOh, sometimes I like to put the sand of doubt into the oyster of my faith." (Br. Cadfael)
The Leper of Saint GilesWhen life hands you lemons sometimes you just have to say screw the lemons, and bail.
Life, Love, & LemonsSometimes when you're surrounded by dirt, CJ, you're a better witness for what's beautiful.
Last Stop on Market StreetNever be afraid to cry. Sometimes, nothing can cleanse the heart more than a few wet tears.
Look into the stillnessA guilty person sometimes has the luck to escape detection, but never to feel sure of it.
Letters from a StoicSometimes pain and hurt are good things because it means you strived for something in your life.
Love and TruthForgiving was the hardest thing. Sometimes forgiving was the hardest thing in the whole world.
The Last Watch