Tell me something only you know and make a new friend.
If a stranger is writing something completely fictitious, or insulting me on a blog or a tabloid, I don't take it personally.
Slavery in West Africa, and in Rome and in the Mediterranean, was something different than slavery in America.
A memory is what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen.
The longer you have something, the stronger the bond. That's true with people as well as things.
There's always something that an engineer can do to make microscopes better.
'Elizabeth' is something I've looked to a lot for a strong female leader.
I always describe my career as something where nothing ever popped overnight.
When a show has gotten as much attention as this one, everyone wants to join in with something to say.
When I decided to direct, never having done that before, is something I'm very proud of.
Once I've decided to do something, I do usually try to carry it through to fruition.
Has someone or something pushed your anxiety button? Answer it with prayer!
Many of us are missing something in life because we are after the second best.
If you're involved in with something that's original, you know, you'll always go back and try to rehash it.
It's about keeping animals in our environment. They can't be on somebody's purse or shoes or something.
I always try to find something I admire about every character I play.
The best way to make something last is to believe that it won't.
No matter how painful something is, you have to take it. I saw that in both my parents.
The Beatles were raw musically, but I think they really had something.
Whenever you want something that you're not going to get, suddenly the whiney 3-year-old comes out in you.
I don't want to do something unless it feels organic.