I'd like to take a long walk, to the edge of something.
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.
Confrontation is something that I accept as part of the project though not its purpose.
There was just something about me she did not like.
If everybody is happy, then something is wrong with the democratic process.
When I'm not creating something, I get bored; I despair.
New York is such a versatile city, and there's always something new to discover.
I don't usually drink caffeine so that when I need it, it actually does something.
If people are jealous of you, it means you are worth something.
I'm the kind of person who always likes to be doing something.
You're are not worthy, until you'd done something for mankind.
I took my archery lessons. It was really fun to learn something new.
Do something for somebody everyday for which you do not get paid.
Something most people don't know about me is that I never grew up.
I'm addicted to exercising and I have to do something every day.
Sometimes it's bad to do something you've never done before.
Trust" without "Truth" makes "Something" with "Anything" and "Everything" as "Nothing.
For me, writing something down was the only road out.
There's something about a Gucci loafer kicking on a fuzz pedal.
Something that you love so much you would be willing to die for it.
Ideas won't keep; something must be done about them.