Where are we going?” Annabelle asked, resisting his hold on her wrist. “To the house. If they’re not willing to be witnesses, then it seems I’ll have to debauch you in front of someone else.
He watched her curiously from below, feeling as someone might feel watching a butterfly sit nearby, afraid to scare it off with a sound of voice or an abrupt movement.
I feel like I should love them right away. But how do you do that? You can't make yourself love someone, can you?
Don’t do that.” “Don’t do what?” “Sneak around.” “Do you mean walk around? Because that’s what I actually did. I usually crouch more when I sneak — and then I kill someone.
There are only two reasons why you leave someone you're still in love with - either it's the right thing to do, or it's the only thing to do.
Once Addie let someone in, she was impossible to forget. There was something about her that crawled inside a person and built a nice comfy home there, her goodness expanding until it filled every limb.
Someone ought to publish a book about the doomsayers who keep publishing books about the end of publishing.
It's hard when you're missing your family," Pip said, and started the motor. " You wake up every morning like someone took one of your legs.
You're like a tornado of bullshit right now. We'll talk again when your bullshit dies out over someone else's house.
I thought about him everyday until then. I started having these conversations with him in my head that you have when you meet someone you sense is going to be important in your life.
A made desire to be more human, to be more normal, that's what pushes me, these days - but as someone said the other say. 'Trace, you're going to have to face facts. You and normal parted a lomg, long time ago.
A man who loves money is a bastard, someone to be hated. A man who can't take care of it is a fool. You don't hate him, but you got to pity him.
He would have liked to know that somebody wanted to keep him alive, that someone remembered him. He used to say that we exist as long as somebody remembers us.
Mudit was smoking for me I wasn’t ready to give up. Arjun was the Alcohol Anonymous, I wasn’t even ready to enroll; someone had to make me forcefully join it
It's impossible to be involved in all situations, but there's no excuse not to be involved in something, somewhere, somehow, with someone. Make an ounce of difference.
Nothing in this world compares to the comfort and security of having someone just hold your hand.
You can't just plan a moment when things get back on track, just as you can't plan the moment you lose your way in the first place.
Try again. No no no, eyes up, eyes up! When you bow to someone you look at them, not at the floor. Don't look at her in the eye though lad, that's rude. And not THERE, either.
How do I get past my fears? Make a life for myself? Risk loving someone? When death is all that waits for you, what's the point in trying to have a life?
I'm amazed and disheartened at how quickly adolescents lose their innocence nowadays. Everyone is in such a rush to give themselves over to someone physically without truly knowing the person to whom they are entrusting with their body and emotions
A woman should never go so far with someone, that she cannot come back alone...not for love..not for society…not for herself. It took me so long to find my way back.