But clearly life took people and shook them around until finally they were unrecognizable even to those who had once known them well. Still, there was power in once having known someone.
Granny was right,' I said. 'When you forgive someone it does make you stronger. It makes your heart bigger than your hate.
It is the obvious which is so difficult to see most of the time. People say 'It's as plain as the nose on your face.' But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds a mirror up to you?
I was afraid of the sea when I was a girl. Someone said it went on forever and that frightened me. I wondered why my parents had chosen to live at the beginning and the end of the world.
The problem with having so many people call me by nicknames was that when someone called me by my actual name, it usually meant something serious was happening.
How could I choose someone who would force me to give up my own small reach for meaning? I chose myself, and without consolation.
Your tears do not wash away your sorrows. They feed someone else's joy. And that is why you must learn to swallow your own tears.
If someone is really close with you, your getting upset or them getting upset is okay, and they don’t change because of it. It’s just part of the relationship. It happens. You deal with it.
When you fall in love with someone you treasure their quirks as much as anything else. Flaws become unique marks of character, things you'd miss if they weren't there.
When you love someone, it's never over,' Dr. Carruthers replied gently. 'You move on, because you have to, but you bring him in your heart.
Many people will never learn the lessons meant for them in this lifetime, nor become the person they were meant to be, simply because they are too busy being someone else.
Presenting a humble façade gains trust; flattery appeals to ego; combine the two to gain an ego-based trust within someone, and you will find in your hands a judgement clouding tool second only to love.
I’m not fragile,” I teased and kissed him harder. I supposed my bruise would say otherwise, but I didn’t want to be treated like I was going to shatter if someone touched me.
If you really love someone,' Claudia continued, 'you have to be prepared to accept them as they are. Maybe you hope that one day they get a wake-up call and make the changes for their own reasons.
Lord, What a terrible shame. You're so attractive!' I know, I want to tell her. It should have happened to someone really ugly. And then it wouldn't have mattered.
But to me it sounded like someone throwing a roll of paper towels and a can of frosting into an oven and saying, "You know, I think there's a good chance of this turning into a cake.
A friend is someone who can brighten your day with a simple smile, when others try to do it with a thousand words.
Unconditional love is something people achieve once they’ve given themselves over completely to someone. Once they’ve decided that no matter what the other person does, they will always love them.
Her eyes narrowed, but she wasn't yelling. I think she liked me... kind of. The way a mother would like an annoying spastic two year old who belonged to someone else.
No well-bred person goes ashore on someone else's island when there's no one home. But if they put up a sign, then you do it anyway, because it's a slap in the face
I had a dream. In the dream someone was critical of my newest novel The Snail's Castle. I said, "don't worry about it. If you don't like it, just throw it out the window." I awoke, grinning, with a wonderful feeling of freedom.