What surprises me is when people give me their mobile number. The other day, someone on a bus asked if I swear. I said I try not to, but of course I'm just a normal person.
The only thing I shy away from is non-consensual violence. I can't write a story where someone is a simple victim because it's boring.
The process of filmmaking is very musical, you get into the rhythm and the rhythmics of how someone is, especially with Woody Allen who is very much into body language and body movement.
People who come up to me are drummers or fans of the band. I don't get it too much, but I'll be somewhere and someone will have me take a picture or something.
I'd like to find someone to procreate with - as sexy as that sounds. If you're out and about and fit the description, come up and say hi. I won't bite. Well, maybe a little, if you're lucky.
It's never that hard for me to imagine what it must feel like to be someone else, whether it's an American teenage girl or a Japanese octogenarian man.
Sell (service or product) as if you are buying it, convince yourself first that, it is worth buying.. It is very simple; u 'cannot' convince someone till the time you're not convinced
I've never heard a man in a suit tell me what to wear; that's not their forte. You hire your stylist; whatever someone's image is as an artist is what they've chosen to portray.
Never be too angry beyond repairs. Anger is nothing good to be part of your tributes. Are you angry with someone? The sun is sinking, just drop it now.
I don't know what it means to be a sex symbol. When I look myself on a magazine cover I don't see it as me, but as someone painted, fluffed, puffed and done up.
You can either be informed and your own rulers, or you can be ignorant and have someone else, who is not ignorant, rule over you.
Being around people with whom you feel a connection, on many levels, not just a professional one, is very relaxing. Your ears are more open to someone who is not a cantankerous bastard.
When you research someone, you actually get beyond your own preconceptions and become aware of the human being other than the image. You become empathetic and sympathetic in turn.
My husband has a gift for reaching out to people in need. I always look over and see him connecting to someone who needs to talk or needs some support.
Families, generally, suck. And I say that as someone who, like my husband, had parents who proved the proverbial exception to the rule.
I think ultimately audience members like to see someone controlling the quality of a film. A lot of films you see are made by committees and studios and producers.
I got into musical comedy because of Shakespeare, not because of singing. They needed someone to understudy Richard Burton. I was also going to musical auditions because the agent I had insisted I go to them.
You can only really judge yourself in comparison to other people. How bad you are, but you're not as bad as someone else. So it's degrees of losing.
To get someone's attention say three words with compassion. Say "I love you", more than me, like the river loves the sea.
all that it takes is one smile to attract someone, but it takes one brain to explain to one heart why they both can fall in love with one person.
Everybody sees but once in awhile stars glide and hope flickers when you meet someone who see through the person you have for so long pretended to be.