From someone who doesn't want to share your destiny, you should neither accept a cigarette
The Burning Brand: Diaries, 1935-1950I would have married her before I went away to war too, just to make sure that someone else didn’t.
Black ArtBlankets are good to carry around if you want to be able to quickly black bag someone.
A bit of rubbish about a Brick and a BlanketWhen does someone love you eough to put you before himself? Had I done so with Michiko?
Bumbling BeaMama used to say, you have to know someone a thousand days before you can glimpse her soul.
Book of a Thousand DaysI used to think that's what love was: knowing someone so well he was like a part of you.
Before I FallI don’t feel old. I just feel like someone young who has something wrong with him.
The Blind Man's GardenMaybe all you need to pull you back form the ledge is to know someone would miss you if you fell.
Black Iris