I've learned that when someone does something very kind and refuses payment, giving them an engraved Swiss Army knife is never refused!
and a charge of lying against someone whom you have always found truthful is a very serious thing; a very serious thing indeed.
You can't just look at someone and guess their sexuality. There's no point in assuming that every gay man has just one personality type.
If you ask around, it's pretty easy to find someone who has a bank account overdraft horror story to tell.
People expect not just songwriters but all personalities to pontificate about their egos - they just wanna see someone talking about themselves constantly. I'm not interested in that.
Someone needs to talk sense to the president. But these people are not world travelers. This president, much as I like him, had all the opportunities in the world.
No matter how heinous someone's behaviour, if you make them a comic character, you can't expect people to hate them.
I am not greedy, so I would gladly give a song to someone else to sing if it makes more sense.
When someone else's safety and acceptance in society is on the line, your personal discomfort comes in a very distant second.
If I could steal someone's dream myself, I'd have to go for one of Orson Welles.
I understand that if I really need my hair to be nice, now I hire someone to do it, and I understand that putting on a pair of heels really makes a difference.
I like a fragrance that you notice and want to find out more about - get a bit closer. I don't want to walk in and be jolted awake by someone's smell.
I broke my finger in a stunt in a very not-too-romantic way. I was just trying to tackle someone, and I just flicked his forearm and then screamed in pain.
When I'm kissing someone, I don't want to feel as though I'm rubbing off all the makeup that's on their face or messing things around. I think natural is better.
I try to tell a story the way someone would tell you a story in a bar, with the same kind of timing and pacing.
Just because someone is holding a gun doesn't make an image controversial. It all depends on where you put the gun, who is holding it.
Impeachment is not a remedy for private wrongs; it's a method of removing someone whose continued presence in office would cause grave danger to the nation.
I think the main reason a lot of child stars don't make it is that it's hard to see someone as cute and then all of a sudden see them as having more depth.
An atheist has to know a lot more than I know. An atheist is someone who knows there is no god. By some definitions atheism is very stupid.
One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.
It really bugs me that someone will tell me, after I spent 20 years being educated, how I'm supposed to think.