Just because someone has stylistic limitations doesn't necessarily make them a worse writer.
When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. After getting to know them better - use your judgement
People know about the Klan and the overt racism, but the killing of one's soul little by little, day after day, is a lot worse than someone coming in your house and lynching you.
I was a loser, a bad kid, I wasn't really into anything, and then someone gave me a camera and I found that this was the thing I wanted to do.
No matter how much someone else loves you or you love other people, if you don’t love yourself then it can never be enough.
Sometimes, I cannot control myself. Please do not blame me, its not me. Maybe it is someone who knows better about me.
When a child grows up without a father, there is an empty place where someone must stand, providing an example of character and confidence.
If you can make me laugh, my heart is yours! I think there's nothing more attractive than someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously.
Infinity is a way to describe the incomprehensible to the human mind. In a way, it notates a mystery. That kind of mystery exists in relationships. A lifetime is not enough to know someone else. It provides a brief glimpse.
I sometimes feel I would like to do crazy things with 'Endgame,' where someone says something, but the words, instead of being spoken, are written words projected out of their mouth.
A philosopher is someone who promotes moral excellence, argues for moral excellence, and gets other people to behave morally and excellently based on those arguments.
According to horses, a good friend is someone who listens, appreciates your company and teases you, but is protective at the same time.
Someone who loves you will reveal beautiful things within yourself... things you had never noticed before... things nobody else cared to.
When we forgive someone, it doesn’t justify what they’ve done. It releases them into God’s hands so He can deal with them.
Anything that makes it easier to imagine trading places with someone else increases your moral consideration for that other person.
We can make fun of hockey fans, but someone who enjoys Homer is indulging the same kind of vicarious bloodlust.
A smile to someone could make the difference between them going home and axe murdering their family or having a nice meal!
Why do we electrocute men for murdering an individual and then pin a purple heart on them for mass slaughter of someone arbitrarily labeled “enemy?
The only way to find out why someone decides to engage in armed combat is to look at their individual personality.
If you ask most high schoolers who Bruce Lee is, they will say that it someone they sit next to in English class.
It is always exciting when you find someone who is really enthusiastic about being half of a comedy team.