Every walk that I do, there's obstacles in the way. There's always somebody or something that comes across negative, but I live for that sort of thing.
Why can't somebody give us a list of things that everybody thinks and nobody says, and another list of things that everybody says and nobody thinks?
How many people in the world is, each of them is individual. And I like to eat bread, somebody don't like that. You know this is the same in gymnastics.
Christmas used to be a good "idea" 'til somebody came up with the concept of giving wrapped up presents to each other... :-)
Stop in somebody's shadow to rest and cool down, and you are lost. No one can make anyone else happy.
It's hard to know what to say about somebody like that, except there are people who look for trouble. And trouble is very easy to find when you go looking for it.
I like to come to the set with very strong ideas and strong opinions about how to do things. And I like also dealing with somebody who's like that.
Today's innovation is the product of somebody's imagination Yesterday. To belong to Tomorrow's Innovators' Club, spend some time in creative thinking Today.
When I was in charge of the Christian Coalition I was available to mobilize grass roots support for somebody.
For example, I wouldn't hesitate to sit somebody down if he wasn't performing, even if he was the No. 1 player in the world. I've been sat down before.
The American Indians were Communists. They were. Every anthropologist will tell you they were Communists. No rich, no poor. If somebody needed something the community chipped in.
I was not born a size 2. I'm not skinny, period. I'm not willing to sleep with the director or step on somebody else's neck to get the job.
When you've toured for about 10 years like me, you end up feeling like you're always waiting for somebody or something. The whole day is a drag.
Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day - the description was, 'Never shot. Dropped once.
I think that when you're making a story... that's based on somebody, the filmmaker has his duty to do his research.
Play fair. Don't hit people. Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody.
I've always been kind of a shy guy. Not very outgoing. I might not start a conversation, but if somebody else does, I'll chat away.
There are still journalists who risk their lives in situations of conflict, versus those who sit behind a desk at 'News of the World' to report on whether someone is going out with somebody or not.
A really irritating thing when you're watching a film is if somebody's accent isn't bang-on - it distracts you from getting into the story because you're thinking: 'Where are they from?'
I think I'm somebody who takes praise with a very big - probably too big - pinch of salt.
One of the strategies for doing first-person is to make the narrator very knowing, so that the reader is with somebody who has a take on everything they observe.