I want to entertain people, but with some substance.
Doing some of the 'Lord Of The Rings' press junkets got a bit claustrophobic.
Some time curiosity kill's you but it still worth to Die for
There are some subjects that can only be tackled in fiction.
Carry some burdens for others; you will be stronger.
I actually enjoy wearing the corsets required in some period films.
We have had to play some mighty tough audiences.
I'll ask you if you can play some speaking roles.
I had to make some drastic choices to avoid losing myself.
I've worked with some of the most inspiring and genuinely nice people.
Some of the overflow audience actually sat on the stage.
I'm conservative on some issues, and I'm progressive on others.
Some actors are supposed to be very difficult, but I've not found that to be the situation.
In some neighborhoods, faces mature faster than bodies.
Some 70 percent of Americans donated to Katrina victims.
HOBBES: Virtue needs some cheaper thrills.
I've been playing 'Doom' for some years.
Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end.
When you've got some talent, your job is to use it.
No more turkey, but I'd like some more of the bread it ate.
Some guys practice like all-Americans but they can't play!