Acting is a great gig. It pays well, I get to meet some nice people, and it allows me to play a lot of golf. I'm a real lucky guy.
The peace movement is a great force for peace. Some of the world's most quarrelsome people act out their aggressions through the peace movement.
If I had not gotten along so well with some of the people on the show, it would have been a different story. But in this case, it was great. But sure, it will be fun to look around.
Like any show, I think some episodes are going to be stronger than others, but I think it's a good show that people enjoy and I hear the reactions too.
Many people around the President have sizeable egos before entering government, some with good reason. Their new positions will do little to moderate their egos.
Some of the songs I do once in a while that I kinda... my set list is basically like my hits, there is a good reason why they are there; people really like them.
Some of them, in accepting the proposed plan of government, coupled their acceptance with a recommendation of various additions to the Constitution, which they deemed essential to the preservation of the rights of the States, or of the People.
I'd love to get into some comedy, but people keep saying, 'You're not funny!' And I say, 'Well, fair enough.' I have done comedy on stage.
Get out of your house and go see some live performance, for God's sake. There are people creating things just outside your window.
I've gotten to go wonderful places, meet interesting and intelligent people, and I started of course in the theatre and continue to work in the theatre where there is some intelligence involved in it.
It would be real nice to have some kind of bell or whistle attached to this film - it would give it a longer life. People seem to need that validation to go to a film these days.
I very rarely read any fiction. I love biographies; I read about all kinds of people. I love theology and some philosophy.
Not many people get to the major leagues and succeed right away. There are some struggles. Everyone seems to struggle.
People think that I'm some kind of genius who's got these statements to say, and... I'm not really.
I think some of the people on the Left... were extremely jealous of me getting what they thought was all of the attention.
I hope that while so many people are out smelling the flowers, someone is taking the time to plant some.
I know little stories that happen to people around me, and I can repeat that in a way that has some color.
For some reason for me, and a lot of people, it's so hard to accept help even when it's from your closest friends.
Gays are some of the nicest, kindest, most loving people in the world.
People know they are lacking something, they are constantly wanting some kind of spiritual guidance.
Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.