I actually started my career interning at Perry Ellis and got to work with Marc Jacobs.
I'm trying to work on my modelling career and remove myself from the whole FHM stigma. I want to be seen as a classic model.
I always thought of my career as a body of work and not just about numbers.
I got the role I loved the most at a point in my career when most women are being phased out.
We can't be empowered women in our career and strong women in our relationships if it weren't for the fact that we're healthy.
Women now have to put so much attention into their careers, and not many families can pull off a single income.
A military career offers the stability many South Korean women crave.
Women have to take more control of their careers. They can't just wait to be cast in a film.
I really think we need more women to lean into their careers and to be really dedicated to staying in the work force.
The main character, Gene Moore, is shown how much of his identity is wrapped up in his career and potential in that career. When he comes home from war no longer able to see himself as a baseball prospect, he isn't sure who he is. This is thoroughly ...
To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite area, deciding sales, banquets, labours, and holidays; to be Whitely within a certain area, providing toys, boots, cakes and books; to be Aristotle within a certain area, teaching morals, manners, theology, and...
Te recité un poema de Bécquer y tú me dijiste: —¿Por qué no escribiste un poema solo para mí? Mi respuesta fue: —Porque tú ya eres mi poema. Viendo tu rubor, me acerqué a ti. Te susurré: —Aquí tienes el resumen de las estrofas. Y te b...
Sospirò e le accarezzò il viso. Infondo, pensò, arrendersi solo per qualche minuto alla tenerezza che stava provando, non sarebbe stato imperdonabile. Quella sera, decise di essere gentile. Di trattarla con delicatezza, tenerla tra le sue braccia ...
Se anche non rimanesse che un solo tedesco decente, quest'unico tedesco meriterebbe di essere difeso contro quella banda di barbari, e grazie a lui non si avrebbe il diritto di riversare il proprio odio su un popolo intero. […] L'odio indiscriminat...
I like rock, straight ahead, kick ass, the harder the better rock.” Sabin looked noticeably relieved. “I can work with that. The Beatles or Elvis?” “Try Breaking Benjamin, Bullet for My Valentine and Disturbed.” “Seriously? There’s a ba...
Spent the fortnight gone in the music room reworking my year's fragments into a 'sextet for overlapping soloists': piano, clarinet, 'cello, flute, oboe, and violin, each in its own language of key, scale, and color. In the first set, each solo is int...
—Podrías esconderte, vivir... como ellos... podrías. —Comienza a costarme resistir, en ocasiones me olvido y siento el dolor... Eso no es lo que quiero. —Lo sé. —Podría vivir para siempre, sí, pero no querría respirar ni un solo segundo...
Porque el cielo siempre es bonito. Incluso cuando está nublado y llueve, es maravilloso mirar al cielo. Es mi cosa preferida porque sé que si alguna vez me pierdo o estoy asustado, solo tengo que mirar hacia arriba y siempre estará ahí pase lo qu...
Jamie aveva orrore di qualsiasi forma di estremismo e sosteneva che i guerriglieri si giustificano solo durante la tirannia, quando non c’è altra scelta che battersi con le armi, ma che sono un’aberrazione in un paese dove i cambiamenti si posso...
Y algo golpeaba en mi alma, fiebre o alas perdidas, y me fui haciendo solo, descifrando aquella quemadura y escribí la primera línea vaga, vaga, sin cuerpo, pura, tontería pura sabiduría del que no sabe nada, y vi de pronto el cielo desgranado y ...
Si umettò le labbra improvisamente emozionata. Poteva essere suo per sempre. Poteva davvero vivere il suo sentimento per lui. Era solo lei che lo impediva. L'unico ostacolo al loro amore era lei. E quella visione le schiarì la mente, aprendo un var...