Sometimes the right response to evil is an appeal to powerful and effective social organization - an appeal to civilization itself.
Dolphins are social mammals, capable of enjoying their lives. They form close bonds with other members of their group.
I was not chosen to be president to restore capitalism to Cuba. I was elected to defend, maintain and continue to perfect socialism, not destroy it.
Similarly, the problem of the rights of the state in the disposition of inheritances left by individuals presents social aspects of the first importance.
Our animal origins are constantly lurking behind, even if they are filtered through complicated social evolution.
Intolerance is the most socially acceptable form of egotism, for it permits us to assume superiority without personal boasting.
The internet, Facebook and Twitter have created mass communications and social spaces that regimes cannot control.
India's rigid social structure limits intergenerational economic mobility and fosters acceptance of vast wealth disparities.
I'm not very social when I'm off the promo trail, because I step into wife and mother mode. It's very reclusive.
I'm very comfortable speaking to millions of people, but not comfortable in a small, intimate social setting. Like cocktail hour. I get very panicky.
Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer - but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest in really working hard and creating jobs.
Will capitalist economies operate at full employment in the absence of routine intervention? Certainly not. Are deviations from full employment a social problem? Obviously.
The economic, social and cultural progress of a nation depends on citizens counting for more and having more rights.
In any country, corruption tends to increase when more respectable means of social advancement break down.
Social distinctions concern themselves ultimately with whom you may and may not marry.
Primates will continue to play social games without the least insight into what is killing them.
Humans are naturally social; civilization causes us to be antisocial." From my next book: The Five Forgotten Truths
Mobile Messaging is rapidly becoming the primary way users engage socially on mobile.
This revision of the Constitution will not be perfect. But at least the Constitution will not be inflexible. It will be a step towards the Social Europe which we wish.
It is wrong to believe that Hispanics are Democrats. Hispanics are traditionally and historically conservative, not just socially conservative, but fiscally conservative.
'The Wire' really drew on a lot of real-life situations and real-life organizations - it created fiction to make a social statement about reality.