The Cape Town is considerably increased within the last eight years. Its respectability with regard to strength has kept pace with its other enlargements and rendered it very secure against any attempt which is not made with considerable force.
The land which the Society of Jews will have secured by international law must naturally be privately owned.
The state security bodies should not be seen as an institution that works against society and the state; one needs to understand what makes them work against their own people.
If you think technology can solve your security problems, then you don't understand the problems and you don't understand the technology.
I don't hate technology, I don't hate hackers, because that's just what comes with it, without those hackers we wouldn't solve the problems we need to solve, especially security.
Every country has the right to nuclear technology as long as they use it safely, peacefully and in a secure way.
When I come into the theatre I get a sense of security. I love an audience. I love people, and I act because I like trying to give pleasure to people.
I have no problem with the security... It's something that must be done for the times in which we live. Safety first.
Turkey will not let Turkish territory or airspace be used in any activity that could harm the security or safety of Syria.
If you have security, you can rebel; if you don't, you hold on to any scraps of it that you have.
I worked with Steven Spielberg on Amistad... he seemed so very secure in himself that he let me do things.
We don't like security rules and laws, but without them men will be animals, perhaps the most dangerous animals.
I think there has to be greater heed paid by the Security Council members to military advice.
I saw my real gods . . the gods of most men. Food, drink, and security in conformity.
Polygraphs are not allowed as evidence in most U.S. courts, but they're routinely used in police investigations, and the Defense Department relies heavily on them for security screening.
Consul - in American politics, a person who having failed to secure an office from the people is given one by the Administration on condition that he leave the country.
Human security depends on a system where each rational individual calculates that it is more profitable not to rebel.
A racial community provides not only a sense of identity, that luxury of looking into another's face and seeing yourself reflected back, but a sense of security and support.
It is my policy to deepen the Japan-U.S. alliance and to deepen security and economic relations as well as personal exchanges.
We, Russia, are prepared to work with others. I am convinced that stability and security in Europe cannot be considered without taking Russia into account.
While the debate on the Patriot Act is far from over, it is important that all Americans continue in this dialogue and work together to ensure greater security for our nation.