I slowly continued to compensate for the physical problems I was having and ended up completely destroying my swing, my set-up, my posture. Everything was gone.
Blacks' problems lie not in the heads of white people but rather in the wasted and incompletely fulfilled lives of too many black people.
The problem in defense is how far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without.
The people I'm honored to represent in Missouri and all over the country want leaders to address their kitchen table everyday problems.
The problem is that Americans use the state as a moral compass. For libertarians, it is often frustrating to explain that advocating the decriminalization of x is not synonymous with endorsing x.
As for the world of fashion and celebrity, I have the usual interest in the human comedy, but the problems of depiction absorb me more.
Too often, a problem is allowed to fester until it reaches a crisis point... and the American people are left asking the question: what went wrong and why?
Every problem can be solved as long as they use common sense and apply the right research and techniques.
Whatever the marketplace, if talented people are given resources, they're going to keep driving us to having better, simpler, cheaper solutions to problems.
Fame, girls, fast cars, penthouses and what not; the whole problem is because everyone wants the same things from life.
We've been blessed with four beautiful children. Michael, he doesn't have much of a problem anymore. He is high functional, probably because of early intervention.
Throughout his presidency, Clinton made a point of getting close - physically and emotionally - to the people whose problems his administration was working to solve.
Every little or big problem has a reason, Every year there is a winter season, Every trouble goes away with time, After winter spring comes with rhyme.
I don't know about anyone else, but if I had problems or issues, maybe I wouldn't feel as comfortable talking about them in a group.
I think the biggest problem in the world is that we have a generation of young people, and maybe two, who don't think it's going to get any better.
If you think black people have a motivation problem, open up a Wal-Mart and advertise a thousand jobs. Watch 5,000 people show up.
Here's the thing Washington always misses. Washington always wants a deal. America wants a solution. Americans sent us here to solve problems.
What takes place in the Security Council more closely resembles a mugging than either a political debate or an effort at problem-solving.
It's not a sign of creativity to have sixty-five ideas for one problem. It's just a waste of energy.
A problem with a president who leads by stirring the moral sentiments of voters is that he has got to keep stirring them.
I have one major problem with the internet: It's full of liars. There doesn't seem to be any way to answer to people lying about you.