Liquor prohibition led to the rise of organized crime in America, and drug prohibition has led to the rise of the gang problems we have now.
I really believe strongly that kids should be spared the runoff of their parents' lives and problems.
The bottom line is this. When it comes to preventing violent extremism and terrorism in the United States, Muslim Americans are not part of the problem, you're part of the solution.
I've often said that there's no such thing as writer's block; the problem is idea block.
I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled.
I got a couple on per album but my problem was that I wanted to sing the songs and not let Roger sing them.
The crime problem in New York is getting really serious. The other day the Statue of Liberty had both hands up.
I wouldn't say personally that I have problems communicating with men - though I'm not sure what the men would say.
There's no reason to raise taxes. Taxes should be lower... The problem we have is that government spends too much, not that taxes are too low.
When a company is facing a problem, it always takes a stance and takes a decision, but at the same time it wants to make sure of what it can learn from it, what enhancements it can make.
I don't spend my time pontificating about high-concept things; I spend my time solving engineering and manufacturing problems.
The U.S. healthcare system is probably the most interesting large group of companies that are heading for major problems that we've seen in a long, long time.
I have a harder time finding somebody. The problem is we were growing professionally during the years most people were concentrating on being a person.
Time heals everything. Time corrects everything. Time is the solution to every problem, I believe. A lot of things can happen with time. All that has to be there is the intention.
As African-Americans, we often spend our time and energy blaming other people for the problems we see around us.
A key issue in developmental biology at that time was the problem of how cells underwent differentiation, with most workers concentrating on explanations in terms of changes in enzyme and gene regulation.
I certainly don't want our nation to go into default, but at the same time, I'm very concerned about our ongoing debt problem.
It's been interesting how kids have had hardly any problems watching it, but adults have more trouble. This happened way back even with Jabberwocky and Time Bandits.
The problem is, when you're making an animated movie, the studio has an illusion in their minds - and it's really not true - that because it's a drawing, it can be changed at any time.
My whole problem is that all of my favorite things at Thanksgiving are the starches, and everyone is trying to go low-carb this year, even a green vegetable has carbs in it.
Most people do surprisingly poorly when dealing with a relative who is hurting, depressed, or anxious - we get defensive and try to solve the problem rather than finding the truth in what the person is saying.