Ron Weasley: Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself, mate.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixSirius Black: When all this is over we'll be a proper family. You'll see.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixBellatrix Lestrange: He knows how to play. Itty-bitty-baby-Potter.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHermione Granger: Harry please, they are going to be here any minute.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixDolores Umbridge: Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged.
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixLife makes fun of us and we should help it.
Tao of Survival: Spirituality in Social Care and CounsellingThe educator has the duty of not being neutral.
We Make the Road by Walking: Conversations on Education and Social ChangeSocial justice cannot be attained by violence. Violence kills what it intends to create.
Pope John Paul IIWe are the generation of Social Media, Our biggest Revolution is a Tweet of 141 Characters.
Sandra Chami Kassis