Social Security not only helps Americans enjoy a secure retirement, it has also kept millions of Americans out of poverty.
I really admire the way the fans have joined me in social justice endeavours and the charitable work that I've been involved in. We've raised over $100,000 on Twitter for our non-profit in Uganda.
Not wanting to change, constantly fighting change, and being afraid of change; these are all extremely stressful mental dispositions, because let’s face it – change happens! Learn to embrace change, flow with change and even proactively make chan...
People say to you, ‘you’ve changed’, or something like that, well, I hope, for the sake of God that you have changed, because I don’t want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, I want to be expanding. I want to be changing....
People say to you, 'you've changed', or something like that. Well, I hope, for the sake of God, that I have changed, because I don't want to be the same person all my life. I want to be growing, I want to be expanding. I want to be changing. Because ...
To change and change for the better are two different things
To change and to change for the better are two different things.
By changing how you perceive things and how you act upon those perceptions, you will change your life.
The moment you make the internal changes necessary to obtain your goal, the outside world changes instantly.
Think Positive Always ! If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. If you cant change your attitude, Change your Thinking, Positive thinking Always Helps !!
Do not bless all the changes; change must be progressive; if not, we must not call it as change; the correct name is deterioration or decaying! Beware of the changes! Any change which is not progressive is just a rotting!
Shooting movies has changed, and me too - I have changed. And then, every film I do, something in my mind, my soul, changes. My natural change, I change at the same time as the films, I think.
As society changes, as politics change, as people change, certain songs still seem to resonate.
It's time to get real, folks. Hope and change ain't working. Hope and change is not a solution. Hope and change is not a job.
The ultimate change one can ever seek for is a change in thought. A change in thought is a change in body
Normally, when you challenge the conventional wisdom—that the current economic and political system is the only possible one—the first reaction you are likely to get is a demand for a detailed architectural blueprint of how an alternative system ...
Allen agreed, writing, "If one understands that socialism is not a share-the-wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. I...
[The] tremendous and still accelerating development of science and technology has not been accompanied by an equal development in social, economic, and political patterns...We are now...only beginning to explore the potentialities which it offers for...
Can art change the world? Maybe... we should change the question: Can art change people's lives?
Change your thought, change your mind. Change your belief, change your action.
Optimists are usually wrong. But all the great change in history, positive change, was done by optimists.