I've learned that universal acceptance and appreciation is just an unrealistic goal.
It's the generally accepted privilege of theologians to stretch the heavens, that is the Scriptures, like tanners with a hide.
I expect the audience to assume TV is stupid. I accept that it's my job to overcome it.
You've got to keep your finger on the pulse of what your audience is thinking, and know what they'll accept from you.
The majority of photographers focus on the obvious. They believe and accept what their eyes tell them, and yet eyes know nothing.
No one can hurt you without teaching a life's lesson. So accept it with love and kindness.
Be open minded like the sky. Be accepting like the ocean. Be loving like a flower.
Accepting and appreciating heart brings abundance in life but gratitude acknowledge and dance with joy of receiving.
How you accept a situation, is your choice and depends on your power of perception.
I do everything I think possible or acceptable to escape from this trap.
I always felt that a governor surrenders a certain amount of privacy. And I came to accept that.
Our accepting what we are must always inhibit our being what we ought to be.
I've probably understood men too well. I realise they are predatory by nature, and I have a certain acceptance of the male animal.
If the adjustment made by a court can be accepted or not, it will be refused whenever the men can gain more by continuing the strike, with whatever of violence that involves.
If men can learn to be less defensive, more open to others, and more accepting of accountability, they will adapt well to the new global economy.
I found the offer of a knighthood something that I couldn't possibly accept. I found it to be somehow squalid, a knighthood. There's a relationship to government about knights.
I accepted the interviews and encounters that had to be held with the media, but I would have preferred to work in peace.
If every time you engage in a sex act, you go into a confession box, you will never accept your own sexuality.
Cancer victims who don't accept their fate, who don't learn to live with it, will only destroy what little time they have left.
Civilization is merely an advance in taste: accepting, all the time, nicer things, and rejecting nasty ones.
My mantra is: Realize you're going to fail all the time, and accept it. That doesn't mean I'm not frightened of it.