We don't have spittoons on street corners any more. It's no longer acceptable to spit on the street.
I've learned that a conceivably detrimental lifestyle will only accepted in the form of a paperback novel.
What I will no longer accept is the mediocre life of a modest little gentleman.
Thank you for accepting me as I am, with my virtues and defects.
Actually, I think most people accept the existence of qualia.
Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system.
Acceptance” is the most beautiful word in the English language.
I just come from a school where you have to win something to be accepted.
The goals of true education are to teach acceptance, tolerance, and nonviolence.
Gratitude opens our mind to accept more and fills our heart to give more.
I spent my whole adolescence, when you just want to be accepted, looking much younger than everyone else.
The kitchen may not get cleaned, and I have to accept that. I do the important things.
In the past, two colleagues died each season. It was generally accepted this could happen.
It is obvious that the RUC is no longer accepted as an impartial police force.
We can't have landfills forever, and we can't ask others to accept our trash.
Not only must the message be correctly delivered, but the messenger himself must be such as to recommend it to acceptance.
I think school is so much harder than real life. People are so much more accepting when they are adults.
Sometimes you're looking to play perfect tennis but it's not going to happen all the time and you have to accept it.
Elizabeth Bennet: [to Mr. Collins] Mr. Collins, I cannot accept you.
Accepting federal funding undermines state sovereignty as states become beholden to federal requirements in order to keep the money flowing.
The power of the white world is threatened whenever a black man refuses to accept the white world's definitions.