In pursuit of happiness, smart people often end up dumbing down themselves.
Theology, philosophy, metaphysics, and quantum physics are merely ways for God to have his smart people believe in him
Oftentimes, actors are looked at as court jesters. They are not looked at as deep-thinking, smart people who do many other things or have gifts in other areas.
Smart people are a dime a dozen. What matters is the ability to think different... to think out of the box.
You've got a lot of very, very smart people standing by waiting for somebody else to do the work. Not a recipe for long-term solvency in my opinion.
Money makes people stupid. They don't have to work as hard as people who don't have money. That's why the smart people who do have money mostly use it for one thing… They use it to make sure the people without it don't get any more.
Nest is one vertical implementation of a set of smart products for the home. But we will support other people's smart products for the home.
Smart people often talk trash about happiness and worse than trash about books on happiness, and they have been doing so for centuries - just as long as other people have been pursuing happiness and writing books about it.
Socially smart people have always mocked the threateningly mobile, and anti-branding is a central strand of high-end status conflict now.
My talent isn't so much in traditional research as in finding really smart people and badgering them with questions.
CNN and MSNBC, our primary competitors, are trying to figure out how to beat us. There are some good, smart people at those networks, and even occasionally a blind pig finds an acorn.
I would argue that's because we had a bunch of smart people running around here. They were coming in and working very hard and many of them had left jobs in which they made significantly more money.
You treat a kid with respect and as an adult you talk to them as if they're smart people. But you don't throw at them the trappings of adulthood and you know, the darker stuff.
Why are so many very smart people not also rich? I guess they are too busy calculating risks rather than getting into action.
I've seen that phenomenally successful people believe they can learn something from everybody. I call them 'mavericks with mentors.' Richard Branson, for instance, is a total maverick but he surrounds himself with incredibly successful, smart people ...
I recommend that you focus on both substance and process of your goals. I believe that both are equally important: by setting a high-quality SMART goal you will enable yourself to be conscious and your actions will carry more meaning; meanwhile, it i...
Surround yourself with smart, dedicated people - to build something isn't a one-man show. It's more important to have smart people who really believe in what you're doing than really experienced people who may not share your dream.
I wasn't the smartest kid in town but I've always thought if you hang around with smart people some of it's bound to rub off.
Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.
Life is a sewer and we are all but swimmers within it. Smart people do the backstroke. (In other words you gotta have a giggle.)
There are lots of ways to make money in venture capital, and there are even more ways to be mediocre. The industry has too much money and too many smart people chasing too few great entrepreneurs.