I believe that in music and in a lot of things it's kind of like surfing, you can have a really big wave sometimes and then you can have a smaller wave.
I worked so hard for so long - I did a lot of movies. I also worked a lot when my kids were smaller, before they were in school.
Since Genesis 3 we have been addicted to setting our sights on something, someone, smaller than Jesus.
She struggled with her sadness, but tried to conceal it, to divide it into smaller and smaller parts and scatter these in places she thought no one would find them. But often I did - with time I learned where to look - and tried to fit them together....
If we increase r [in a logistic map] even more, we will eventually force the system into a period-8 limit cycle, then a period-16 cycle, and so on. The amount that we have to increase r to get another period doubling gets smaller and smaller for each...
The strings in her mind grew flatter, calmer. The shapes in the hologrid had changed. She heard the man's words, and yet she didn't; the words were not what was really important. And wasn't that right? Words had never been important, only strings, an...
I think we are in an age where cash pays for time and space. The more cash you have, the bigger space you can buy and the smaller the technology to put in it.
At Sir-Tech I went through the ranks, almost like an apprenticeship. I was very fortunate. The industry was smaller then, and I was able to work alongside some amazing game designers.
Those at the top would do better with a smaller share of a booming economy that elicits a positive politics than they will do with an ever-larger share of an anemic economy that fuels the politics of anger.
Whereas there's a wealth of galleries in Australia, everyone's got a gallery in Australia or wants your work. Because the art scene is smaller in Indonesia, there's not so much competition.
Everything that creates itself upon the backs of smaller scales will by those same scales be consumed.
Nothing makes you feel smaller than New York City...
Smaller Is Smarter: Hint, Bigger Is Not
Which eternity can be bigger or smaller? But which reality can be an eternity in your mind?
To see a lot of the smaller labels disappear or get gobbled up by the bigger labels, that's a shame. It was a bit of a shock at first to see the demise of the record stores.
It was so much easier to connect with my fans when I was smaller. I could answer every message, and I enjoyed doing that.
I prefer to explore the most intimate moments, the smaller, crystallized details we all hinge our lives on.
Personally, I don't get that whole reality show thing. It was much smaller, and it's grown. It's like an epidemic. I'm still rather confused by it.
My urge to write is an urge not to self-expressionism but to self-transcendence. My work is both bigger and smaller than I am.
A still image attracts the viewer with an overall impact, then reveals smaller details upon further study.
There's only so many small shows you can do. A lot of the smaller things are more side project things. Not everything is appropriate for Sonic Youth to do.