Was not writing poetry a secret transaction, a voice answering a voice?
I was a black singer with a white voice, a perfect pop voice.
The human voice is the organ of the soul.
Nature... is nothing but the inner voice of self-interest.
[first lines] Zachry: [shivering beside the fire] Oh, lonesome night. And babbits bawling, the wind biting the bone. Wind like this... full of voices. Ancestry howling at you, yibbering stories, all voices tied up into one. One voice differing. One v...
Stick in and do my best.
Brattleboro is a very small town, but it's pretty liberal.
There is sort of a small town mentality on the east coast of Canada.
For small businesses, regulatory burdens can be overwhelming.
On grass, it can be the small things that decide a match.
No community values entrepreneurship and small business more than the Hispanic community.
I myself am a parent in a small business. Number of employees: one.
The road to recovery is to stimulate small business and innovation by reducing taxation, regulation, and litigation.
Family farms and small businesses are the backbone of our communities.
I believe in small government and people taking care of themselves.
The death tax is one of the leading causes of the dissolution of small businesses.
For the person for whom small things do not exist, the great is not great.
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
Living in a small town, one of the keys to survival was your imagination.
In its beginnings, music was merely chamber music, meant to be listened to in a small space by a small audience.
I'm a big advocate of the power of positive thinking, particularly for small businesses.