On the hook of truth only small carp will bite; in the net of falsehood the big salmon are caught.
LatvianEver director has at least 10 bad films in them.
Rebel Without a Crew: Or, How a 23-year-old Film Maker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player: How a 23 Year-old Film-maker with 7, 000 Dollars Became a Hollywood PlayerPsychology of small things rules.
A Few Seconds of Panic: A 5-Foot-8, 170-Pound, 43-Year-Old Sportswriter Plays in the NFLThere are no big men and big women. There are small people with big dreams and extra larger passion!
The Great Hand Book of QuotesFlat muscled and honey coloured. Sea secrets in his eyes. A silver raindrop in his ear.
The God of Small Things